Somali Youth United would like to thank its Community Partners. As a non-profit organization S.Y.U is able to continue to build a stronger community and provide a much needed services and programs only through the support of its supporters. With the continues support and contribution of our community partners S.YU's vision of Peace, Unity and Prosperity are achieved day by day one community member at a time.
Wells Fargo
- California Endowment
- Foundation for Change
- San Diego Gas and Electric
- United Domestic Workers of America (UDW)
- Neighborhood Unity Foundation (NUF)
- Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation (JCNI)
- Casa Cornelia Center
- University of California,San Diego Health Systems (UCSD)
- Employment Right Center
- The San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council
- Verizon Wireless
- University of San Diego USD
S.Y.U. is always looking for ways to collaborate with other organizations and individuals that are making a difference in our communities. If you or you'r organization is interested in partnering with Somali Youth United Inc. please feel free to contact us at or write to us at 6035 University Ave #21 San Diego CA 92105. Our office number is 619-623-0513